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Revised 21 April 2018


Section 1: This organization shall be known as the Eastern Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics. It shall be affiliated with the Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics and with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Section 2: The purpose of this council is


  • to create and maintain an active interest in mathematics.
  • to encourage effective mathematics teaching at various levels of instruction in the schools.
  • to provide a medium for exchange of views pertaining to mathematics and to the teaching of mathematics.
  • to promote research in the field of mathematics and the teaching of mathematics.
  • to promote among all teachers a genuine concern for all-round development of each student.


Section 1: Membership shall be open to all persons who are engaged in the teaching of mathematics in public, private, and parochial educational institutions, and to persons who are interested in mathematics education.

Section 2: Junior membership shall be open to all students who are interested in mathematics and who are enrolled in any of the recognized institutions of higher learning in Pennsylvania.

Section 3: Retired members of the Eastern Pennsylvania Council of Mathematics who have been members in good standing for five (5) successive years are eligible for life membership with full membership privileges. They may continue to be members without payment of dues for as long as they signify a desire for membership


Section 1: Dues

1. Yearly dues for all active members shall be determined by the Executive Board.

2. Yearly dues for all junior members shall be one-half the rate of the active members.


Section 2: Fiscal Year


1. The fiscal year of this council shall be from 1 July through 30 June.


2. The membership committee shall notify members no later than October of the fact that dues for the fiscal year are due.


Section 3: Dues Period

1. Membership shall cover a period of one (l) year.


2. Members whose dues are not paid by 31 December of the fiscal year shall be dropped from active membership and its privileges.


Section 1: Officers

The officers of this council shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, President-elect, and Immediate Past-President.


Section 2: Executive Board

1. The Executive Board of the council shall consist of the Officers, all members of the Standing Committees, the representative to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the representative to the Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics. These members shall be the voting members of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall also consist of a Kutztown University Faculty Liaison in the event that none of the officers are Kutztown University Faculty members.


2. Quorum. A majority of voting members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


Section 3: Qualifications

1. The officers of this council shall be encouraged to be members of the Pennsylvania and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.


2. The President, Vice-President, and President-elect must have served as members of the Executive Board for a minimum of one (1) year.


3. All voting members of the Executive Board shall be members of this council in good standing.


Section 4: Term of Office

1. Officers. The term of office for President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be for two (2) years. The President and Vice-President shall be elected even-numbered years. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected in odd-numbered years. The term of office for President-elect and Immediate Past-President shall be for one (1) year. The President-elect shall be elected in odd-numbered years.


2. Representative to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). The representative to the NCTM shall be a member of said organization and shall serve as representative for two (2) years. The NCTM representative shall be appointed by the President.


3. Representative to the Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics (PCTM). The representative to the PCTM shall be a member of said organization and shall serve as representative for two (2) years. The PCTM representative shall be appointed by the President.


4. The term of office for Officers shall commence on July 1 and shall end on June 30.


Section 5: Elections​


1. The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall prepare a slate of at least one nominee for each office. Nominations from the floor will be accepted. Ballots shall be provided if two or more nominees are selected for any office.


2. Election of Officers shall be by plurality vote.


3. Vacancy. Between election meetings, in case of a vacancy on the Executive Board, the President may appoint a member of this council, in good standing, to fill the vacancy.


Section 1: President

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Council and shall serve as chairperson of the Executive Board and a member of the Program Committee; shall serve as the other PCTM representative; shall make committee appointments with the approval of the Executive Board; shall appoint members to fill vacancies on the Executive Board; shall prepare an annual report of the activities of the Council. The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Committee on Nominations and Elections.


Section 2: Vice-President

The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President during the President's absence or in the case of the President's inability to serve. The Vice-President shall serve as a member of the Publicity Committee.


Section 3: Secretary

The Secretary shall record the minutes of each meeting of the Council and of the Executive Board; shall maintain accurate lists of the names and addresses of all members; shall keep account of all transactions of the Council and of the Executive Board; and shall carry on the correspondence of the Council. The Secretary shall serve as a member of the Membership Committee.


Section 4: Treasurer

The Treasurer shall receive all money paid to the Council; shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures; shall report the same to the Council; shall maintain an accurate list of names and addresses of all those who have paid their dues; shall present a written report to the Executive Board and membership at each meeting; and submit records to be audited by the Auditing Committee. The Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Membership Committee.


Section 5: President-Elect


The President-Elect shall work alongside of the current EPCTM President for one (1) year, and shall assume the office of President at the conclusion of the President’s term.


Section 6: Immediate Past-President


The Immediate Past-President will serve as a mentor to the newly-elected President for one (1) year.


Section 7: Executive Board

The Executive Board shall act as the governing board of the Council; shall have the power to transact the business of the Council; shall initiate, develop, and determine the policies of the Council; shall approve the budget of the Council; and shall aid the Officers in carrying out the purposes of the Council. The Executive Board shall meet a minimum of twice per year, once in the fall and once at the spring conference, and at such times as the President or a majority of the Board shall deem necessary.


Section 1: There shall be the following standing committees - Membership; Program; Publicity; Constitution.

1. Membership. It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to bring the purposes and advantages of membership in the Council to the attention of mathematics teachers and to enlist their support of the program of the Council.


2. Program. It shall be the duty of the Program Committee to plan the programs for meetings. These programs should be devised to attract the interest of post-secondary, secondary and elementary teachers. The Program Committee shall make arrangements concerning site location, facilities, equipment, and refreshments for each general membership meeting.


3. Publicity. It shall be the duty of the Publicity Committee to collect and disseminate information and publicity of the Council and its activities. This committee should use the various forms of mass media to publicize the Council and its work.


4. Constitution. It shall be the duty of the Constitution Committee each year to review this Constitution and make recommendations for any changes or additions it may deem necessary.


Section 2: Other Committees

1. Nominations and Elections. In each year the Executive Board shall appoint a committee on Nominations and Elections. The most recent Past-President shall act as chairperson.


The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall prepare a slate of at least one (l) nominee for each office. This slate shall be prepared and ready for distribution at the election meeting. Ballots, if needed, shall provide a place for nominations from the floor.


If ballots are used, this committee shall count them and make a report at the election meeting of the results of the balloting.


2. Auditing. An Auditing Committee shall be appointed by the President, to audit the accounts of the Treasurer. There shall be three (3) members on this committee. At least one member shall be chosen outside the Executive Board and must be a member in good standing. The audit shall be completed before the records and monies are transferred to a new Treasurer.


3. Budget. It shall be the duty of this committee to prepare an annual budget of the Council. The budget shall be presented to the Executive Board early in the fiscal year for study and action. The budget shall be approved by the Executive Board. The budget report shall be filed for reference. The Budget Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall be chairperson of this committee.


4. Other Committees. There shall be such committees as the work of the Council might demand.


Section 1: Election Meetings. The Election Meeting of the Council shall be held at such time as designated by the Executive Board.

Section 2: Other Meetings. Other meetings shall be called by the Executive Board as deemed necessary.


Section 1: If, at any time the Eastern Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics shall cease to carry out the purposes as herein stated, all assets and property held by it, whether in trust or otherwise, shall, after the payment of its liabilities, be paid over to an organization selected by the final Executive Board. Such an organization must have similar purposes and have established its tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as now enacted or as it may hereafter be amended, and such assets and property shall be applied exclusively for charitable, scientific, or education programs.


Section 1: This constitution may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at a meeting of the Council provided that the amendment (or amendments) have been proposed at a previous meeting and that written notice of the amendment (or amendments) is given to the membership.


1. Robert's "Rules of Order" shall be the authority in question of Parliamentary Procedure.

2. The President shall be the official representative to the annual Delegate Assembly of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. If the President is unable to attend, the President shall appoint an alternate.

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